DAYAN Family

DAYAN Family: Mine CAPTAIN – Mongolian Top Miner, GANZORIG Khalzan

  • DAYAN Family

Experienced CAPTAIN in charge of Mine Development of Dayan Contract Mining LLC.

Mine Captain is a rare, prestigious and responsible position that is available only in mining especially underground mining companies with expertise in underground development. The duties of this position, which sounds like a title, are compared to that of a captain of an aircraft flying in the sky and a captain of a ship floating in the sea.

Mine Captain is the "owner" of an underground mine. In an underground mine, everyone follows the Captain's instructions. It is important that all teams manage the team together, direct the organization, calculate the specifics of the work in detail, and work together in a reliable, productive, and timely manner.

The Mine Captain is an experienced, skilled and the best miner who has worked in the underground for many years.

Thank you to CAPTAIN - “GAYA”, one of our first miners, who has experience working on many projects, leading our young miners, and leading our team with honorable responsibility for the important infrastructure of the underground mine.

We wish you the best, blessings and good health!

Glory to the miners!

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