The project team of Dayan Contract Mining LLC, successfully equipped the Oyu Tolgoi Shaft 2 -1163m level 35kV cable installation.
The scope of work for this project, consisted of 4 pairs of 35 kV power transmission lines with a total length of 4800m of high voltage armoured copper cable lines. All cables were installed and commissioned between February 20, 2020 and March 27, 2020 in order to supply electricity to the underground mine. The DCM team successfully completed the work for the transmission lines in a total of 1,650 man-hours.
Also part of the scope, high quality steel structures for high voltage cable installation, installation of cable tray and a total of 8 35kV fittings were constructed.Congratulations to all crew members who worked tirelessly to ensure the highest level of safety and productivity.
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