
Shaft Sinking

The Shaft 5 is designed to exhaust air from the Oyu Tolgoi underground mine which is 6.7m in diameter and 1174m deep.

Sinking operation of Shaft 5 started on 29th of August, 2013 as its very first blast was performed on that day. For this project, we had 322 blasts made with 1,700,060.0kg of explosives and removed 47,000.0m3 or 7,833.0 buckets of muck up and out. We have moved down the formwork for 193 times and poured 17,000.0m3 concrete into shaft wall. For ground support, we installed 21,915.0 each of bolts with 2.4 m long split sets, and for the walls and platforms, we used a total of 204 cable bolts (6,5m and 8m long), 951 resin bolts, and 2,348.0 screens. To sink this shaft from 17th of September 2012 to 30th of March 2018, 896 days were spent only for the sinking operation.

    Shaft 5 sinking project is a successful project which was completed without any lost-time injury.